Harvest 2023

Harvest Supper is on Saturday 23rd September starting at 6pm
with a bring and share meal, followed by games.
Please see Linda Day if you would like to come or if you are able to bring something. All are welcome. 

Harvest Festival is on Sunday 24th September at 10:30am
and this year we will be collecting items for the
Somer Valley Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis
Below is a list of the most needed items:

Milk Powder, Instant Mashed Potato, UHT Milk, Tuna, Mac Cheese (Tinned), Sponge Puddings, Coffee, Custard, Jam, Vegetable Soup, Tinned Vegetables, Meat Pies (Tinned), Razors and Shaving Products, Toilet Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Washing Up Liquid, Deodorant, Toilet Rolls, Hair Conditioner and Shampoo

Throughout the weekend we will also be having a collection for
All We Can – Methodist Relief and Development
All We Can is an international development and relief organisation, rooted in the Christian faith, working to see every person’s potential fulfilled. All We Can works through partnership alongside our global neighbours most impacted by disasters, poverty and injustice to enable flourishing and resilient communities.
Please give as generously as you can. Thank you.