June 2016

Dear Friends,

I was recently asked if I would contribute an article for the Midsomer Norton Methodist Church magazine. Such articles are often given a title containing the Christian name of the contributor and one other word beginning with the same letter as the Christian name.

Last month the magazine had a contribution from its editor Martin, and he called it ‘Martin’s Mutterings’, so that word was no longer available for me. What should I call it? Michelle’s Musings of course!

Tapping the word ‘musings’ that into the computer, I thought to myself, what does the word ‘muse’ really mean? Looking it up in a well trusted online dictionary I found the following definitions -as a verb, to muse is to consider something thoughtfully; as a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration. I will let you ‘muse’ over those!

On a serious note, there is something really important about slowing down at times and ‘considering thoughtfully’. With the rain over the last few days and the warmth in the air, the tremendous growth in plants, both garden and hedgerow, has been amazing. The fresh green, the vibrant blues – such a joy. But I know that I have had to make sure that I actually walk around the garden each day and look closely at the wonders there. The wonders of our creative God, who has given us more than we could ever dream of. How blessed we are. But how easy it is to miss seeing these wonders, due to our rushing around and not ‘considering thoughtfully’. And if we do that with the beauty around us in creation, how often do we do that with the pinnacle of God’s creation – mankind? The Novena (nine days of prayer from Ascension to Pentecost) prompted us this year to ‘consider thoughtfully ‘those we might miss – the marginalised in so many areas of life, from old, to young, to homeless, to refugee. Who is it you and I don’t notice in our busyness?

Jesus, our example, noticed those whom others didn’t, those who were marginalised for all sorts of reasons, for health reasons, moral reasons, social and cultural reasons. He ‘considered thoughtfully’ and due to that included all people. ‘The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost’ (Luke 19:10). Not dependent on background, status or anything!

He missed nobody. I believe he gives us much to ‘muse’ upon - happy Musings!

God Bless
Rev Michelle Ireland