Prayer Ministry Training Day
Saturday 18 April 2015, 10:00 - 16:30


David Betts, a speaker from New Wine will be leading the day with his team.

There will be the opportunity to hear about why and how to pray for others, and during the four practical sessions we will have the chance to practice praying for one another in a safe and encouraging environment. The aim of any prayer ministry is to get more people praying more and strengthening one another.

The minimum suggested donation is £5 which covers the basic cost of the speaker coming with his team. The recommended book to go with the training is £6.99 (we didn't want to charge more for the day and put people off) so there will be a Sale or Return Bookstall on the day which will have copies of the book, plus a variety of other books for people to buy if they wish. There will be a handout that people can take home, but hopefully the teaching, four practical sessions and two worship times will be a great experience for people to take away with them.

People will need to bring a packed lunch on the day, and also need to book so we know who is coming. A copy of the booking form and an A4 poster can found below:

Booking Form


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